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National Smile Day

You've probably heard that it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile. But, somehow, over the years, most people tend to forget this. Babies smile about 400 times a day, while the average adult only smiles 20 times. Today is a day to fix this and to smile as much as possible. National Smile Day was created by Dr. Tim Stirneman and Jim Wojdyla of Compassionate Dental Care in Lake in the Hills, Illinois, to "share with the world what the power of a healthy smile can do."

Smiling has many benefits. It not only reflects our current mood but has the power to change our mood. As we change our face muscles into a smile, this can shift or reinforce our feelings, and our mood will begin to align with the emotion on our face. Even fake smiles can make us feel better, and by doing this, we can train ourselves to embrace happiness more often.

There are countless other benefits to smiling. It can reduce our blood pressure, heart rate, pain, and stress. It can increase endurance, strengthen our immune system, and even help keep the cells in our body healthy. Smiling can boost our productivity and make us more creative, and make us seem more courteous, competent, likable, and trustworthy. There really is no downside to smiling—not in the way it looks, nor in the results it brings.

How to Observe National Smile Day

Celebrate the day by smiling! Start your day with a smile, as an initial smile will help lead to more smiles later on. Then, once you are warmed up, smile at others throughout the day, and brighten their day as well. As the day was created by dentists, why not see your dentist today as well? They can help make sure your smile is in tip-top shape!

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