About Us
Checkiday (chek-ih-day, a mashup of "Check" and "Holiday") was founded on February 12th, 2011 by Seth Westphal. Although the internet contained a fair amount of holiday lists at the time, none of them seemed complete, were able to show you just today's holidays, told you anything about each holiday, or were easily searchable. Checkiday was created with the goal to be the world's most complete holiday listing which would automatically update to show you today's holidays. We currently have at least 5400 unique holidays on our site that we have verified for authenticity, more than triple that of our closest competitor.
Shortly after our launch, we won our first awards: Dreamhost Site of the Month for originality and overall.
As our popularity grew, we launched our first mobile application for Android on April 25th, 2011.
Years later, we rebuilt our mobile application and launched an iOS version on May 31st, 2018.
On November 11th, 2020, we launched our very own daily podcast, Your Daily Holiday Briefing.
On our 10th birthday, February 12th, 2021, we launched our first eBook. You can check it out on Amazon.
Throughout the years we have been featured on television, radio, podcasts, blogs, in newspapers, books, and have been trusted by teachers in classrooms of all levels. You may have seen us popular places like Wikipedia, CNN, The New York Times, Huffington Post, Vice, USA Today, WikiHow, Daily Mail, Gizmodo, CBS Local, Esquire, Upworthy, and Lifehack. We also have a large social media presence with an abundance of followers on Facebook, X (Twitter), Tumblr, Pinterest, and more.

Our website, which you are currently on, has been used by more than twenty million people. We reach tens of thousands of users every day!
Lastly, a special thank you to all of our fans; without you, none of this would be possible!
- Seth
Nearly all the completed holiday entries on Checkiday were written by Caleb Westphal. If you enjoy his style of writing and are in need of someone to write similar types of content, feel free to contact him. He is often taking on new projects.