National Chocolate Cupcake Day
Today is dedicated to chocolate cupcakes. The first mention of a dessert with the qualities of a cupcake was in American Cookery in 1796, and the first time the term "cupcake" was used was in 1828. There were two different definitions of cupcakes—also known as cup cakes—at that time. One type of cupcake was so named because it was baked in a container that looked like a cup. These were pottery cups, molds, or ramekins, and predated muffin tins. This is the definition that is still in use. The other type of cupcake was so named because of its recipe, which was measured out by the cup, instead of being weighed (that type of cake appropriately became the pound cake). For instance, a recipe may have contained a cup of butter, two cups of sugar, three cups of flour, as well as eggs. These were sometimes baked in cups, but were also often baked in tins. Cupcakes use the same basic ingredients as regular cakes, and can be topped with frosting and other decorations, and can be filled as well. Today is a day for the popular chocolate variety of these treats!
How to Observe National Chocolate Cupcake Day
Celebrate the day by eating chocolate cupcakes! You could buy some at a store, but it would be even better if you made your own!