National Wife Appreciation Day
the third Sunday in September (since 2006)
September 17th, 2023
September 15th, 2024
September 21st, 2025
September 20th, 2026
September 19th, 2027
Wives offer support and encouragement and help complete the lives of their spouses. On National Wife Appreciation Day, spouses show their wives some appreciation and let them know how much they value them. Of course, wives should be shown appreciation every day, but today is extra special!
How to Observe National Wife Appreciation Day
Celebrate the day by showing some appreciation for your wife! Words can have a profound effect on a relationship, so telling her how you are grateful for all she does is a good place to start. Then it's time to make the day extra special for her. Plan a mini-retreat somewhere, do the chores she usually does, and surprise her with her favorite treat. Cook her favorite meal for her, light some candles, and have a romantic dinner. There are so many possibilities—you know what your wife enjoys, and it is up to you to make sure those things are part of her day. If you don't have a wife, but do have a partner, you can show them appreciation today instead. If you are someone's wife, there is no shame in letting your spouse know about today's holiday!