Great Egg Toss Day
annually on September 6th
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Great Egg Toss Day celebrates the sport of egg tossing. There are many types of egg toss games, but in the most common, a contestant throws an egg to a partner, and they back up further apart from each other and throw again. There is some debate over how far the longest egg toss has been. Great Egg Toss Day takes place on September 6th, because that was the day in 1981 that Risto Antikainen threw a fresh egg 317 feet, 10 inches, to Jyrki Korhonen. But, there is other evidence that a Guinness World Record was set in 1978 with a throw of 323 feet, 2 inches, in a toss from Johnny Dell Foley to Keith Thomas. This was listed by Guinness World Records until 2000, when they removed egg tossing from their book. The World Egg Throwing Federation currently holds egg throwing events, and contestants regularly toss eggs over 200 feet.
How to Observe Great Egg Toss Day
The day should be spent by participating in an egg toss. Read the rules for different egg toss games on the World Egg Throwing Federation's website. Buy some eggs, find a friend or friends, and go outside and start tossing!