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National Strawberries and Cream Day

Made with sliced strawberries and homemade whipped cream, strawberries and cream is a snack or treat that is quick and easy to make. Its basic recipe can be tweaked in many ways. Vanilla or amaretto liqueur can be added to the cream, or sour cream with brown sugar can replace the whipped cream altogether and be used as a dip. Layers of strawberries and cream can also be used to make trifles.

Strawberries and cream is a British dish. In 1514, during the Tudor period, Cardinal Thomas Wolsey—who was close to King Henry VIII—began building Hampton Court. Its large kitchens fed about 600 people twice a day. According to one story, a chef there came up with strawberries and cream so that desserts could quickly be prepared for the many guests. The chef's name is not known and Wolsey tends to get credit for the treat's creation. Another similar story says that strawberries and cream were first served at a banquet hosted by Wolsey, but it puts the date of their creation at 1509, which predates the building of Hampton Court.

Today, strawberries and cream is still popular in Britain. It is served at Wimbledon each year: about 20 tons of strawberries and 7,000 liters of cream are used. It is believed strawberries and cream were introduced to the tennis tournament by King George V in the early twentieth century. But you don't need to be in Britain or wait until Wimbledon in order to eat strawberries and cream. Why not enjoy the treat today, on National Strawberries and Cream Day?

How to Observe National Strawberries and Cream Day

Celebrate the day by eating strawberries and cream! Simply whip up some cream and mix it with sliced strawberries! You could add some vanilla or amaretto to give it a little extra flavor. You could also eat strawberries with a sour cream and brown sugar dip, or make a strawberries and cream trifle.

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