National Wildlife Day
annually on September 4th (since 2006)
annually on February 22nd (since 2018)
February 22nd, 2023
September 4th, 2023
February 22nd, 2024
September 4th, 2024
February 22nd, 2025
September 4th, 2025
February 22nd, 2026
September 4th, 2026
February 22nd, 2027
September 4th, 2027
Founded by
Colleen Paige in 2005
National Wildlife Day was founded in 2005, "to bring awareness to the number of endangered animals nationally, as well as globally, that need to be preserved and rescued from their demise each year, and also to acknowledge zoos and outstanding animal sanctuaries and organizations globally" for their work to preserve animals and educate the population, especially children, about conservation. The day was made by Colleen Paige, founder of other animal themed days such as National Dog Day. With the passing of Steve Irwin, the Australian zookeeper and conservationist, known for his television show, The Crocodile Hunter, the date of the day was changed to coincide with his birthday.
How to Observe National Wildlife Day
The National Wildlife Day website suggests numerous ways the day could be celebrated. You could partner with an animal sanctuary to host an educational event, or you could promote an event at a zoo or library. Also, you could donate to, or volunteer at an animal organization. You could talk to your family or friends about endangered animals, simply visit the zoo, or take a walk somewhere where you will see wildlife.