Ask a Stupid Question Day
Also known as
National Ask a Stupid Question Day
the last weekday of September
September 29th, 2023
September 30th, 2024
September 30th, 2025
September 30th, 2026
September 30th, 2027
You've probably heard the phrase, "There is no such thing as a stupid question." It is said in order to encourage people to ask questions they have been reluctant to ask because they themselves perceive them to be stupid. Chances are, if the questions are asked, they do end up sounding pretty stupid. People often laugh at those who ask the questions, and the inquirer feels embarrassed. Well, the embarrassment melts away today, and the questions are asked freely because it is Ask a Stupid Question Day.
A few sources claim the day was created sometime in the 1980s by a group of teachers, at a time when teachers were trying to get students to ask more questions in the classroom. Fittingly, the holiday is usually celebrated by students and teachers, and the aim of the day is particularly focused on getting kids to ask more questions in school. Because the day is about asking questions in school, it isn't always celebrated on September 28. It is never celebrated on a weekend, and is sometimes celebrated on the last school day of September. This is often on September 30, the last day of the month.
How to Observe Ask a Stupid Question Day
Celebrate the day by asking as many stupid questions as you want, without worrying if people are judging you. Although the day is most celebrated in the classroom, it doesn't exclusively have to be celebrated there, and you can ask your stupid question or questions anywhere you'd like. If after asking your questions people think they are stupid, just tell them that it is Ask a Stupid Question Day and it was more appropriate to ask the question than to not ask it. Since this day is just once a year, you probably have plenty of stupid questions that you've been waiting to ask, so get to it!