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Share a Hug Day

On July 30, 2017, Mike Brundritt was in a vehicle on Highway 401 in Chatham-Kent in Ontario, Canada, on the way home from a vacation, along with his sons, Kyle and Evan, and his wife, Lacie. The Brundritt's vehicle, along with that of others, was stopped in a construction zone. A transport truck failed to stop and plowed into the back of five stopped vehicles. Lacie and Kyle were killed in the crash.

A few days before the first anniversary of the passing of Lacie and Kyle, Brundritt was thinking of ways that he could honor his wife and son. He remembered the great relationship his family had and how they often hugged, such as while greeting each other and saying goodbye. It was one way that they said "I love you." Brundritt knew the anniversary would be tough, but he decided to announce it as Share a Hug Day. He posted the announcement on Facebook, in which he wrote, "please go and hug someone today to help get this movement started." The post was shared by friends and family and spread around Canada and the world, and news organizations picked up on the day.

Hugs can be given for many reasons, but today, on Share a Hug Day, they are given as a sign of compassion, and to let people know they are cared for. It can be a tough world, filled with incomprehensible tragedy, but something positive can still come from the horrible moments. That's what Share a Hug Day is about.

How to Observe Share a Hug Day

Share a hug with someone who looks like they need one. Share a hug out of compassion. If you are feeling down, you could ask someone to share a hug with you. Ask before sharing any hugs, to make sure the hugs are welcomed.

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