Auntie's Day
Also known as
Savvy Auntie's Day
the fourth Sunday in July (since 2009)
Founded by
Melanie Notkin on June 29th, 2009
Auntie's Day, started by Melanie Notkin, founder of Savvy Auntie, honors aunts and celebrates the relationship between aunts and their nieces and nephews. Not only are "aunties by relation"—or ABR's—honored, but "auntie's by choice"—or ABC's—those who have aunt-like relationships with the children of their friends. Godmothers are honored as well. All of these women nurture, inspire, and give generosity and love.
How to Observe Auntie's Day
If you are a niece or nephew, honor your aunts and aunt figures today. Call them, send them a card, give them a gift, take them out for dinner, or spend the day with them. If you are an aunt, today is for you. Treat yourself and spend the day however you please.