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National Tuxedo Day

National Tuxedo Day is dedicated to the tuxedo, a semi-formal evening suit most often worn at black tie events. The suit is usually black or midnight blue, and is usually worn with a formal shirt and black bow tie. It is similar to the dinner jacket of the United Kingdom, which appeared there in the late 1880's, as a less formal attire than the tailcoat. A few years later the tuxedo made its appearance in the United States. The name is derived from Tuxedo Park, a Hudson Valley enclave where the tailless dress coat was worn by the social elite. Throughout the 20th century, various styles of tuxedos went in and out of style, with different colors and styles of lapels.

How to Observe National Tuxedo Day

Celebrate the day by wearing a tuxedo, or buying one if you do not own one. Although tuxedos are most often associated with menswear, tuxedos are also made for women. If wearing a tuxedo feels too formal for you, celebrate the day by wearing or buying a tuxedo T-shirt instead.

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