National Raspberry Bombe Day
annually on August 11th
Food & Drink
Fruits & Vegetables
Snacks & Desserts
Raspberry bombe is celebrated today with Raspberry Bombe Day. Bombe, known as bombe glacée in French, is a spherical-shaped frozen ice cream dessert. It has such a name because it looks a bit like a cannonball. Ingredients regularly used to make a bombe are heavy cream, sugar, sherbet, chopped nuts, candied fruit, and a small amount of rum. The center is made of flavored ice cream, mousse, or custard. Bombe appeared on menus in restaurants by 1882, and over sixty recipes appeared in Auguste Escoffier's Le Guide Culinaire in 1903.
How to Observe National Raspberry Bombe Day
Celebrate by eating some raspberry bombe! Have some at a restaurant or make your own!