New Identity Day
Is there something you'd like to change about your identity? Maybe you'd like to change your looks, or perhaps there is something deep down inside you'd like to change about yourself. Maybe you wish you had a whole new identity. Would this identity be completely of your own making? Or is there someone whose identity you wish you had? Today is for thinking who you might want to be for the day, whether that be someone else specific, or someone completely new. But why stop there? Why not take up your new identity for the day? Change your looks and personality to acquire whatever identity you wish to have.
How to Observe New Identity Day
Think about a new identity you'd like to have, whether that is someone else's identity, or an identity completely made up by yourself. After you have thought one up, you could transform yourself to have that identity. Perhaps you will have to completely change how you act. Perhaps you will have to change what you wear. There is a chance that you will enjoy your new identity so much that you will want to change it permanently. Does that all sound like too much for you and you'd rather watch others change their identities instead? Watch a film where characters have to do it, such as Dark Passage, or one of these other titles.