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Image for Abet and Aid Punsters Day

Abet and Aid Punsters Day

Abet and Aid punsters day is a day to make bad puns, and to encourage others to do the same. Instead of groaning at puns, which often happens, the day is to be spent laughing at them, like you would any other joke.

Puns, also known as paronomasia, are a type of wordplay that uses similar sounding or looking words, or figurative language, to create an oftentimes humorous effect. Puns have been around for millennia, being used in Sumerian cuneiform, and Egyptian and Mayan hieroglyphics. Today they are common in jokes and comedy shows, and are often used in literature.

How to Observe Abet and Aid Punsters Day

Celebrate the day by reading and laughing at puns, and encouraging others to do so as well. Listen to comedy shows or read books and see if you can pick out puns. This is also the perfect day to write your own puns! Make sure they make everyone laugh! Make them punny!

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