National Bubba Day
Today we honor anyone who has the name or nickname "Bubba." Bubba is sometimes a Southern slang word for brother, which is mainly given to boys. While this is how it is used in the South, in other parts of the country it is sometimes used as a pejorative for someone with limited education who is rather poor. "Bubba" may also be a name for an overweight or large man, which may be either a term of endearment or a term of ridicule. National Bubba Day is all about positivity, however, and whenever the name is used it should be seen as a name of honor.
How to Observe National Bubba Day
Wish all the Bubbas in your life a happy National Bubba Day. You are even allowed to give yourself the nickname "Bubba" for the day if you'd like. You could also celebrate the day by learning about famous people who are named Bubba.