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Gorgeous Grandma Day

In 1984, at the age of 50, Alice Solomon graduated from Wellesley College. She felt that society saw her and other women of her age or older as senior citizens, and as women who were no longer useful or relevant. She set out to change that, and came up with the idea of "Gorgeous Grandma." She realized that "grandma" was a term ascribed to older women, regardless if they were actually grandmothers or not. She decided to embrace the term, but put "gorgeous" in front of it, which she thought represented a snappy, "notice me" image. She then created the day to celebrate older women, to get rid of the stereotypes surrounding them, and to show there is much they can still do.

How to Observe Gorgeous Grandma Day

If you are a woman around the age of 50 or older, celebrate the day by thinking of all the things you can do to still bring change to the world around you. Then plan to go out and do them! The day can also be spent by actually celebrating grandmas! Spend the day with your grandma and tell her she is gorgeous. Take her out for lunch, or cook or bake something with her. If you no longer have a grandmother living, spend the day remembering your grandmothers. Take out old photos and share stories with younger relatives who may not have known them.

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