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National Tradesmen Day

National Tradesmen Day shines a spotlight on tradesmen, celebrating "their vital role as the real working hands of America." It was created by IRWIN Tools as a way to say thanks, honor, and recognize these hard-working men and women, and "to celebrate all that they do to contribute so meaningfully to our lives in so many ways." It is marked with celebrations, recognition events, and other activities. For the first observance, in 2011, IRWIN Tools partnered with others to provide hundreds of lunches to local tradesmen and students enrolled in trade programs, and also gave out tools, t-shirts, and lunches to tradesmen building Freedom Tower in New York City.

Tradesmen are skilled workers who labor in a particular trade while building and maintaining homes, schools, businesses, roads, and more. Welders, plumbers, drywall installers, siding installers, electricians, carpenters, masons, framers, roofers, auto mechanics, refrigeration and HVAC technicians, and woodworkers are some of the most common tradesmen jobs. According to IRWIN Tools, tradesmen "work in the toughest, most unforgiving conditions—often, with no break room in sight!" Their working conditions may be dirty and may be tough on the body, especially on the hands and joints. For all these men and women do to make sure we can live lives of relative ease, they are honored today with National Tradesmen Day.

How to Observe National Tradesmen Day

Thank a tradesman or tradeswoman wherever you find them. Thank any tradesmen you know; thank tradesmen at convenience stores before they go to their job site, and buy them breakfast or a coffee; thank them at home improvement stores; thank them at job sites and bring them a treat; thank them at restaurants during the noon hour and buy them lunch. You could also honor their profession by enrolling in trade school and becoming a tradesman or tradeswoman.

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