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Eat Brussels Sprouts Day

The small cabbage and cruciferous vegetable, the Brussels sprout, is celebrated and eaten today. Brussels sprouts were developed from cabbage between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries in Brussels, Belgium. This explains why they are named as they are, and why they are also known as Brussels sprouts. In the United States they are mainly grown in California and New York. They are filled with many vitamins, nutrients, and minerals, such as Vitamins A, K, and C, as well as iron, to name a few, making them beneficial to health. They grow in many rows on a single stalk, and are a 1/2 to 1 and 1/2 inches in diameter. A study from Cornwall College explains why about half of those that try Brussels sprouts may not like them. The study claims that a chemical in Brussels sprouts makes them taste bitter to people that have a certain gene.

How to Observe Eat Brussels Sprouts Day

Celebrate the day by eating Brussels sprouts. There are many recipes that can be tried, or you can keep it simple and grill, steam, or roast them.

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