Dump Your Significant Jerk Day
Maybe they've stopped paying attention to you or constantly embarrass you in front of your friends; maybe they've lied to you time and time again, and maybe you've even caught them cheating. Why do you keep putting up with them? You can do so much better! It's time to dump that jerk! Dump Your Significant Jerk Day takes place on the first day of Dump Your Significant Jerk Week, which is held prior to the week that Valentine's Day takes place during.
How to Observe Dump Your Significant Jerk Day
Your significant other has been a significant jerk, and it's time to dump them! Make that final break and don't look back! Although there is a whole week dedicated to dumping them, you don't need all week to get rid of that jerk, do you? Do it today! Maybe you can even find yourself a new date for Valentine's Day!