National Public Sleeping Day
A warm, cozy bed may sound like the ideal place to get some shuteye, but on National Public Sleeping Day, people do their sleeping in public. Some may spend their whole night sleeping in a public area, while others may use the day to nap in public places where they usually would be awake. They may nap while riding on public transportation or may nap on a bench in a park, at a library or a cafe, or at one of many other public places.
And how can such naps be justified? Naps provide numerous benefits, as long as they aren't too long. Naps that are about 10 to 30 minutes in length improve mood, alertness, and performance—both mentally and physically. The alertness that naps provide can last for a few hours time. Naps of 10 minutes in length provide the most benefit of improved cognitive performance and reduced sleepiness. Naps also provide relaxation and rejuvenation.
How to Observe National Public Sleeping Day
Depending on where you are and what the weather is like, you may need to adjust how you celebrate if you wish to do so outside. If it's cold outside, make sure you are bundled up. If you are planning on spending your whole night sleeping outside, make sure to have a warm sleeping bag as well. Here are a few ideas on places to sleep:
- Under a tree, in the woods, on a bench, or in a hammock at a park.
- On the beach.
- At work.
- On a bus, train, or plane, or in the waiting areas for any of these modes of transportation.
- At a cafe or in a library.
- In a cemetery.
- At a doctor's office.
- At a concert or in a movie theater.