American Red Cross Giving Day
Also known as
Red Cross Giving Day
on June 2nd (2015)
on April 21st (2016)
on April 26th (2017)
the fourth Wednesday in March (since 2018)
On American Red Cross Giving Day, which takes place during American Red Cross Month, financial gifts are given to provide food, shelter, relief items, emotional support, and other assistance for those who have experienced disasters, to help them recover. Money given is tax-deductible and supports relief from disasters big and small, such as house fires.
The American Red Cross was founded by Clara Barton in 1881 and received its first congressional charter in 1900. It provides disaster relief in the United States and around the world, offers health and safety training, and organizes a nationwide civilian blood program. On American Red Cross Giving Day, donations are made to the American Red Cross to help it continue its work of assisting those who have been befallen by a disaster.
How to Observe American Red Cross Giving Day
You can take part in the day by making a financial contribution to the American Red Cross. You also can spread the word about the day and encourage family and friends to also make a contribution. Use the hashtags #HelpCantWait and #Help1Family when posting about the day. Learning more about the American Red Cross is an additional way the day could be spent.