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National FreeBSD Day

An open-source operating system developed at the University of California at Berkeley in 1993, FreeBSD, is celebrated today. The creators of the day's event, the FreeBSD Foundation, say of the operating system, "As a pioneer in open-source technology, FreeBSD can be modified and redesigned to meet the needs of the user, free of charge within the guidelines of the license." Universities use FreeBSD to teach operating system concepts and as a research platform, and companies use it to develop products. It is used by many common programs, such as Netflix and WhatsApp. June 19th was chosen as the date of National FreeBSD Day because it was on this date in 1993 that the operating system was given its name.

How to Observe National FreeBSD Day

You could mark the day by downloading FreeBSD and making plans to attend an upcoming FreeBSD Foundation event. The FreeBSD Foundation has also suggested the following ways to celebrate:

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