National CleanUp Day
the third Saturday in September (since 2017)
September 16th, 2023
September 21st, 2024
September 20th, 2025
September 19th, 2026
September 18th, 2027
Founded by
Bill Willoughby in 2017
Steve Jewett in 2017
National CleanUp Day was founded to celebrate the importance of uniting to care for our outdoor spaces and remove litter so our trails, parks, and community spaces remain pleasant and unmarred by waste. On the third Saturday in September, National CleanUp Day encourages all of us to take action to make the entire country a better place to live. Just think, what if everyone just picked up one piece of litter?
From coast to coast, organizations and individuals alike join forces to clean up parks, trails, beaches, mountains, and open spaces. Outdoor spaces that are free of trash and litter are a more enjoyable experience for everyone. Preservation of our forefathers' legacy is up to all of us. Litter, debris, and trash mar the beauty of our natural landscapes. National CleanUp Day puts litter in its place – in trash and recycle bins. National CleanUp Day provides an opportunity to make those messes right and give the landscape a fresh, clean sweep! Communities, corporations, civic organizations, parks and recreation departments and private citizens will all be uniting together to make National CleanUp Day a success.
By participating on this special day, you will be helping to send a message to your communities that you care about keeping our natural surrounding clean throughout the year. Won't you join us to make your community beautiful? Donations to National CleanUp Day may be tax deductible through their partnership with Clean Trails, a national 501(c)3 non-profit.
How to Observe National CleanUp Day
Create a team or just bring a friend to remove litter from your favorite outdoor spaces. Spread the word! Join in and be part of the solution. Use #NationalCleanUpDay or #SeaToShiningSea to share on social media.