International Hot and Spicy Food Day
Today we celebrate hot and spicy food. Some hot foods include wasabi and horseradish, and some spicy foods are made with peppers that have high capsaicin content. There is some data that suggests capsaicin is good for your health. The hotter a pepper is, the more capsaicin it contains, and the higher it is on the Scoville scale. Pepper-eating challenges and other food-eating contests are sometimes held today, as are cook-offs and costume contests.
How to Observe International Hot and Spicy Food Day
Celebrate the day by eating hot and spicy food! Foods that are commonly made spicy include chili, gumbo, chicken wings, and burritos. There are plenty of hot and spicy recipes online that you could try. Since today is an international holiday, you could focus on eating hot and spicy foods from all around the world. Foods particularly known for being hot or spicy include Indian, Thai, Caribbean, and Creole. Another way to celebrate the day could be to buy some hot peppers and have a contest with your friends to see who is best able to stomach them. Similarly, you could host a cook-off with hot and spicy foods and then have a food-eating contest.