Blue Shirt Day
Also known as
World Day of Bullying Prevention
the first Monday in October (since 2009)
Founded by
STOMP Out Bullying in 2008
Member of
Sibling Events
Blue Shirt Day, also known as World Day of Bullying Prevention, takes place on the first Monday of October each year, being the kickoff to National Bullying Prevention Month. Students, schools, and community members wear blue shirts to highlight bullying prevention, and in solidarity with those who experience bullying in all its forms, such as cyberbullying, cruelty, racism, and homophobia. The color blue was chosen because in many cultures it is seen as bringing calmness and peace, as well as importance and confidence.
How to Observe Blue Shirt Day
Celebrate the day by wearing a blue shirt. Wear your own or order an official one. Besides wearing a blue shirt, you could also wear blue pants, shoes, hats, and more. School administrators and faculty members can register their school for the day, as can community groups and businesses. Students can get more ideas for the day by using the online student participation toolkit. Photos can be shared online, and the hashtags #BlueUp, #MakeBullyingHistory, and #StompOutBullying can be used on social media.