Bison-ten Yell Day
Bison-ten Yell Day is a wacky day that takes its name from a play on the word "bicentennial". If you say "bison-ten yell" very quickly it sounds like you are saying bicentennial. But, what's the point? The day exists to celebrate the 200th birthday either of an imaginary person, or the person who invented ten verbal signals to yell to soldiers during a war. On one hand the day is dedicated to an imaginary person. Every year the person turns two hundred. On the other hand it honors the inventor of war signals, who also apparently turns two hundred each year. Soldiers had to memorize the meanings of the secret signals, much like football players now to in the NFL.
How to Observe Bison-ten Yell Day
The day can be celebrated in a few different ways. You could make up an imaginary person and celebrate their 200th birthday. A backstory could be created about them as to why they are important, and the story could be written down. You could possibly even make them change history. You could have a party or bake a cake for them. The 200th birthday of the person who invented battle signals could also be celebrated. Battle signals or other types of signals could be learned. A football game could be watched, with special detail attention given to the signals they use. You could make up your own secret signals with someone else and use them while you are in public. The day could also probably be spent by yelling, or by learning about bison.