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Speak Kind Words Saturday

Speak Kind Words Saturday is a day for thinking before speaking or pressing send since words are extremely powerful and can't be taken back. It is a day for speaking kind words, which can have a positive effect on others, and for avoiding unkind ones, which can be harmful. The day is part of Be Kind To Humankind Week, which is "a celebration of people and the kind acts that they perform all across the globe." Lorraine Jara created the week in 1988 after reading a story about two young men in her town of Toms River, New Jersey, who had flipped over in a rowboat. Two ladies from another boat pulled them out of the cold water, but their boat was not motorized and they didn't have a radio to call for help. Two boats with radio antennas passed and did not stop to help. A person from one of those boats apparently even said, "We don't want to be bothered." One of the two boaters who had fallen in the water ended up dying. Jara was devastated by what had happened in her town and wanted to honor the memory of the deceased man, so she created Be Kind to Humankind Week.

How to Observe Speak Kind Words Saturday

The creator of the day has suggested the following ways to celebrate:

  • Don't text anything that you wouldn't want everybody to read.
  • Think twice before you say something you will regret later.
  • A kind word is never wasted.
  • Bite your tongue before you allow an unkind comment to flow out.
  • Be aware of not only what you say but how you say it.
  • Do not gossip.
  • If you speak out to hurt someone, remember, what goes around comes around. Be ready to get it back tenfold.
  • Try not to curse and use foul language, especially around children or in public places.

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