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National Two Different Colored Shoes Day

Dr. Arlene Kaiser created National Two Different Colored Shoes Day as "a day to recognize and celebrate the uniqueness and diversity of humanity." It is the one day a year when people wear mismatched footwear, to highlight their individuality and to show that they have the courage to take a risk and get outside of their daily routine. Some keep it simple, by wearing one black shoe and one brown shoe, while others go all out, wearing brightly colored or flashy shoes, and also contrasting the types of shoes they wear.

How to Observe National Two Different Colored Shoes Day

Celebrate the day by wearing two different colored shoes! Keep it simple with two different neutral or earth-toned shoes, or stand out a bit more with shoes with warm or cool colors. To be even more outlandish, wear different types of colorful shoes: wear a yellow flip-flop on one foot and a red boot on another, or wear a green high-heeled shoe on one foot and a purple slipper on the other. Make sure to get out in public so as many people as possible can see you are wearing different colored shoes!

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