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Forgive Mom and Dad Day

Forgive Mom and Dad Day is for all the sons and daughters who—fairly or unfairly—have felt wronged by their parents. The day's creators, Ruth and Thomas Roy of Wellcat Holidays, describe it as such: "Is there a parent alive who has not made mistakes? It’s time to let Mom and Dad down off the wedding cake and into the world of mere humans. Besides, you’re an alleged grown-up now, and it’s time to stop living your life as a reaction to what used to be." What it all adds up to is to let bygones be bygones, to stop wallowing in teenage angst, and to reconnect with parents on a meaningful level.

How to Observe Forgive Mom and Dad Day

Some ideas on how to spend the day include:

  • Forgive your parents for any past wrongs they've done to you.
  • Apologize to your parents for ways you've wronged them.
  • Give your parents a call or write them a letter.
  • Spend the day with your parents.
  • Do something nice for your parents.
  • If your parents are no longer living, look through family photo albums, watch family videos, reminisce about your parents with your siblings, and visit your parents' graves.

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