National Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
Today's holiday encourages people to make up their own holidays about anything they want! If there isn't a holiday about it already, it's fair game! It can be a funny, bizarre, or very serious holiday. Make Up Your Own Holiday Day was created by Thomas and Ruth Roy of Wellcat Holidays, who are no strangers to making up holidays.
"Holiday" comes from an Old English word that means "Holy Day." There are both official and unofficial holidays. Official holidays are usually sanctioned by the government, and citizens that observe them usually get the day off work. Official holidays may be religious holidays such as Christmas or Yom Kippur, national such as Independence Day, or secular such as New Year's Day and Labor Day. Unofficial holidays aren't sanctioned by the government. Businesses usually stay open and workers usually have to work. Unofficial holidays celebrate pretty much everything. They may raise global awareness about a cause, or celebrate food, drinks, sports, people, and much more!
How to Observe National Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
Celebrate the day by making up your own holiday! Create a day for people, things, or events that don't yet have a holiday. After you think you have a holiday in mind, look over some tips from Checkiday as to how to get the ball rolling!