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Image for National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend Day

National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend Day

Remember when you were a child and would get yelled at every time you accidentally stepped in—or purposely jumped in—a puddle? And remember how you were especially reprimanded the times that you went in a puddle so that you could splash someone? Well, your time has finally come. Today you have an excuse to step in a puddle in order to splash a friend. We aren't sure why this holiday takes place in January, as many puddles are frozen today depending on where you live, but at least you have the right to splash someone if a puddle is found.

How to Observe National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend Day

Celebrate the day by looking around for puddles to step in, and then use them to splash a friend. This may best be done by inviting a friend out for a walk and leading them as near to a puddle as possible, and then quickly stepping in it and splashing them. Perhaps it makes sense to wear boots today, so you don't get the brunt of the splash. Make sure you are just splashing friends and not strangers on the street, as strangers may not think celebrating such a holiday is too funny. If you can't find any puddles today, invite your friend to an indoor water park and splash them there!

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