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Image for Global Belly Laugh Day

Global Belly Laugh Day

Belly Laugh Day, or Global Belly Laugh Day, celebrates the great gift of laughter. It's a day when smiling and laughing are permitted, encouraged, and celebrated. At 1:24 p.m. local time, everyone is to "bounce a smile and laugh around the world." This "belly laugh bounce" is done by throwing one's arms in the air and laughing out loud. Why celebrate? Because "positive laughter fuels positive energy, connection and creativity."

How to Observe Global Belly Laugh Day

Go outside at 1:24 p.m. local time, throw your arms in the air, and laugh out loud. You'll be taking part in the belly laugh bounce around the world. Continue to smile and laugh throughout the day. Check the day's official website for more ideas on how to celebrate past laughs and connect with positive laughter. Looking for other ways to ignite some belly laughs? Watch one of the funniest movies or television shows of all time.

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