Heimlich Maneuver Day
Dr. Henry Heimlich came up with the Heimlich Maneuver in 1974. Also known as abdominal thrusts, this procedure is used to dislodge food and objects from the throat of a choking person. As the American Red Cross claims over 3,000 deaths are caused by choking each year, celebrating Heimlich Maneuver Day is an important way to raise awareness and help save lives. The origin of the day is unknown.
How to Observe Heimlich Maneuver Day
The best way to celebrate the day is to make sure you know how to use the maneuver just in case you find yourself in a position where someone is choking nearby. You can get certified with the technique through the American Red Cross. You also could teach others how to use the maneuver after learning it. This also is a good day to remember to fully chew your food.