Corporate Baby Name Day
What are your thoughts on someone giving their baby the name Nike, Netflix, or Snapchat? Corporate Baby Name Day is a day in honor of the idea of selling the naming rights of babies to corporations. The day was referenced on the Humorlist, on August 6, 2005.
In 2001, American Baby conducted a poll asking if parents would sell the naming rights of their babies to a corporation for $500,000. Some of the corporation names listed as examples were Pepsi, Friskies, Kleenex, Budweiser, and Jeep. Twenty-one percent of respondents said they would, and twenty-eight percent said they would consider it. The results were released on August 6.
The poll was done in response to Jason Black and Frances Schroeder, a New York State couple, who tried to auction off the naming rights of their baby on Yahoo! and eBay. They started the bidding at $500,000, with the hopes that they could use the money to buy a home and start a college fund. Unfortunately for them, no one bid. They ended up naming their baby Zane, on August 6, 2001, the deadline for adding a name to his birth certificate.
How to Observe Corporate Baby Name Day
Celebrate the day by thinking up fun corporate baby names. How about giving a baby a name such as Boeing, Cadillac, Burger King, Standard Oil, or Coca-Cola? Or how about Kraft, MasterCard, Shell, Whirlpool, or Charmin? Wouldn't it be fun if a baby's name began with "General"? How about General Motors or General Electric? Corporations have been named for people over the years, such as McDonald's, Kohl's, and Ford, so why not flip it so people are named for corporations? You could spend the day thinking up which corporation you would sell the naming rights of your child to, how much money you would want, and what you would do with the money. You could also try to think of anyone who has a name that is also a corporate product.