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National Macaroni Day

Hot dishes and casseroles, cold salads, and soups just wouldn't be the same without the macaroni noodle. A dry pasta, usually made of durum wheat, macaroni is shaped in short, narrow tubes. Elbow macaroni, which is curved, is perhaps the most common type, but there are others. The word "macaroni" is likely derived from the ancient Greek words makarōneia, macaria, and maccare. But this is no food of the past! Macaroni is a favorite food for many on any day of the year, but it is given special attention today because it's National Macaroni Day!

How to Observe National Macaroni Day

Celebrate by eating macaroni! Enjoy some macaroni and cheese, macaroni salad, chili, or one of many other macaroni dishes. You could host a macaroni buffet party, where different types of macaroni and sauces can be sampled. You could also spend the day doing some macaroni crafting!

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