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National Freezer Pop Day

Especially popular in the summer and with kids, freezer pops go by many names, such as freeze pops, freezies, and icees. What they are called largely depends on where one lives or what brand is common there. These "freeze-at-home" treats come in clear plastic tubes instead of on sticks like popsicles. They come in varying sizes, but most are about ten inches in length. Made of sweetened, flavored, and colored water, they almost all are fruit-flavored. An end of the tube is torn open, and the flavored ice is pushed up through the opening and enjoyed as it melts.

National Freezer Pop Day, observed today, was created by the Jel Sert Company "to celebrate the summer and being a kid with freezer pops." Jel Sert makes a number of freezer pops brands, including Fla-Vor-Ice, Otter Pops, Pop-Ice, Kool Pops, All Sport Sports Freezer Pops, and Wyler's Authentic Italian Ice. Pop-Ice was the first "freeze-at-home" brand, and Jel Sert acquired it in the 1960s. Jel Sert came out with the similar-but-updated Fla-Vor-Ice in 1969, which soon became their top-selling brand. In 1996, Jel Sert purchased Otter Pops, a freezer pop brand from Southern California that had led the West Coast market. Whether they be freezer pops from one of the brands made by Jel Sert, or from one of the many lesser-known brands, they are sure to cool you off and make you feel like a kid again. What better day to have some than on National Freezer Pop Day?

How to Observe National Freezer Pop Day

Fill up your freezer with freezer pops! Enjoy various flavors and brands with family and friends! Make sure to post about your celebration on social media with the hashtag #NationalFreezerPopDay.

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