Do Something Nice Day
Yesterday you may have celebrated International Toot Your Own Flute Day, where you spent the day being selfish and thinking only about yourself. Today is a day to be selfless and think about others. Not only should you think about them, but you should put your thoughts into actions by doing something nice for them. Whatever you do should be done not because it will evoke a positive response from someone else, but because your are doing it from your heart. So often we go through our days in a hurry and don't think about the effect on someone else that stopping and pausing to do something nice will have. Today is a day to set a foundation of kindness that hopefully will stay long after this day has passed.
How to Observe Do Something Nice Day
There are many ways to celebrate Do Something Nice Day. Here are a few ideas:
- Compliment someone.
- Take the time to listen to someone.
- Buy someone a coffee or dinner.
- Mow someone's lawn or rake their leaves.
- Buy someone flowers.
- Simply smile and say hello to people you meet.
- Share something of yours with someone else.
- Cook someone a meal.
- Ask someone if they need help.
- Send someone a letter.
- Hold the door for someone.