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National Psychotherapy Day

National Psychotherapy Day was founded in 2012 as a means to promote the profession, which many times has a negative stigma. Up to 50% of adults experience emotional difficulty at some point, and 25% of people experience mental illness. Talking to someone, especially a trained professional, can be beneficial. It can be an effective, natural, and long lasting treatment to help people lead more fulfilling lives.

How to Observe National Psychotherapy Day

There are many ways to celebrate National Psychotherapy Day. Maybe a good starting point would be to read about the basics of psychotherapy. Here are some other ideas:

  • Donate your time or money to low-fee counseling centers.
  • Wear turquoise—if someone is asking why you are wearing it, you can tell them about the day.
  • Watch and share Moments of Meanings videos.
  • Talk to a friend about your therapy experience.
  • Give constructive feedback to therapists.
  • Share research about the effectiveness of therapy.

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