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National No Rhyme or Reason Day

You snooze, you will be deprived. Fake it till you get there. These phrases just don't have any rhyme to them. That's no problem today, though, because National No Rhyme or Reason Day is for creating "rhymes" that don't actually rhyme. English words that don't rhyme with any other words are known as refractory rhymes, and using them makes National No Rhyme or Reason Day quite easy to celebrate. While there may be some obscure words that rhyme with purple, toilet, and orange, there aren't many, and when words like these are used while forming rhymes today, the phrases likely won't have much rhyme or reason to them.

How to Observe National No Rhyme or Reason Day

Celebrate by making up rhymes that don't actually rhyme! You could spout these nonsense phrases off to your family and friends or share them online. If you don't know where to start, try to make rhymes with refractory rhymes.

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