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Look for Circles Day

A holiday geared towards young children who are learning to recognize shapes, Look for Circles Day is for looking up, down, and every which way in order to identify and point out objects shaped like circles. The day isn't limited to children, however; anyone can look for and point out circles. Circles can be found inside homes, at places of employment, on the street, in nature, and elsewhere.

How to Observe Look for Circles Day

As the day is directed towards young children who are learning about shapes, one way to celebrate is to encourage them to point out all of the circles they see, and to give them prizes for identifying them. If they are limited in their options for looking for circles, you could give them a worksheet to practice on. As an adult, you could look for circles, and make a list of, or take pictures of, all of the ones you find. Look in your home, look in nature, look while walking down the street, and look wherever you go. You could challenge a friend or a group of friends to a contest to see who can find the most circles. You could look for circles in math: learn some basic circle facts, or dig deeper and do some higher-level geometry or trigonometry and find circles there. You could learn about and look for crop circles. You could look for songs that have "circle" in their title. (Give up? Here are some.) Finally, you could look for other holidays that are about circles and circular objects. (Can't think of any? Here is one and here is another.)

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