National Milk Chocolate with Almonds Day
annually on July 8th
Food & Drink
Snacks & Desserts
Milk chocolate or almonds are appetizing on their own, but when they are put together, as they are today on National Milk Chocolate With Almonds Day, the result is truly delectable. They can be paired together in candy bars, brownies, cupcakes, muffins, and other sweets. Milk chocolate covered almonds are common as well. Hershey's even makes a Milk Chocolate with Almonds bar.
Chocolate must contain at least 12% milk solids to be considered milk chocolate. It is sweeter and lighter than dark chocolate. It was first made by the Swiss in 1875 when Daniel Peter added his chocolate to the newly-discovered sweetened condensed milk of Henry Nestlé. It became popular in America and Europe.
Milton S. Hershey, who had been in the candy business since the age of fourteen, and who had been quite successful with his Lancaster Caramel Company, was enamored by the chocolate-making he saw at the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago—especially the making of milk chocolate. The first milk chocolate Hershey bar was produced in 1900, and by 1905 Hershey's enormous factory in Derry Township, Pennsylvania, was in operation. With Hershey's support, a company town sprang up around the factory, and milk from nearby farms was used in making the milk chocolate. Milton Hershey invented the Hershey's kiss in 1907, and its trademark foil wrapper was added in 1924.
Most relevant to today's holiday, Hershey's Milk Chocolate with Almonds bar debuted in 1908. Almond trees are cultivated around the world but are native to Iran and the area around it. Both the tree and the fruit are called almonds, and the fruit is a drupe, not a nut. The inner seed is what is eaten. Today they are eaten along with milk chocolate, whether in a chocolate bar or in another sweet.
How to Observe National Milk Chocolate with Almonds Day
Have yourself some milk chocolate with almonds! Have some brownies, cupcakes, or muffins made with milk chocolate and almonds. Eat some almonds covered with milk chocolate. You could also treat yourself to a Hershey's Milk Chocolate with Almonds bar!