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National Banana Split Day

National Banana Split Day is dedicated to the popular ice cream treat. The foundation of a banana split consists of a banana cut in half lengthwise in a long dish, also known as a banana boat. Most banana splits then have three scoops of ice cream placed between the banana, one each of vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. The vanilla is usually topped with candied pineapple, the chocolate with chocolate fudge, and the strawberry with strawberry sauce. Finally, whipped cream, crushed nuts, and a maraschino cherry top the confection. By most accounts, the banana split was invented by 23-year-old apprentice pharmacist David Strickler in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, in 1904. The price was originally 10 cents per sundae, and they became popular with students at nearby Saint Vincent College, before spreading all over the country. Strickler ended up buying the pharmacy and ran it until 1966, when he sold it. He died in 1971, but the pharmacy operated under other owners until closing down in 2000. Each year the Great Banana Split Celebration now takes place in Latrobe. In 2004, the National Ice Cream Retailers Association presented Latrobe's mayor with a certificate validating that the banana split was first created in city.

How to Observe National Banana Split Day

Today it is imperative that you either buy or make your own banana split! Shortly after being invented, banana splits became a mainstay at Walgreens pharmacies, which helped to popularize the treat around the country. You could try to make their original recipe, or this similar recipe.

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