Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day
Also known as
EITC Awareness Day
on January 17th (2006)
the last Friday in January (since 2007)
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a tax credit for working people that have low to moderate incomes. In order for the credit to be claimed, requirements must be met, and a tax return must be filed. The goal of Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day is to increase awareness for the refundable tax credits that many miss, not only the EITC, but also the Child Tax Credit (CTC), the Additional Child Tax Credit (ADTC), and the American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC). This heightened awareness helps to motivate people to explore whether they qualify for tax credits or not. These tax credits help boost the local economy, and help reduce poverty for working families. The EITC credit puts thousands of dollars in the pockets of workers and their families. In 2017, 25.8 million people received money from the EITC; the average amount of money received from the tax credit was $2,470. The day is a national effort organized by the IRS, with the partnering of elected officials, state and local governments, community organizations, schools, employers, and others.
How to Observe Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day
To observe the day, first find out if you are eligible for the EITC. Use the EITC assistant and the EITC estimator to help you. If you are eligible, find out how to claim the EITC, what documents you need, and how to prepare your own taxes—or how to find people to help you. Learn about your eligibility for the CTC and ACTC, as well as for the AOTC.
Once you have figured out about your own eligibility for tax credits, fully participate in the day by raising awareness for the EITC. Explore ideas of things you can post on Twitter and other social media avenues to inform people about the credit. Also, explore some print, video, and audio resources that help raise awareness. These and other suggestions and resources are compiled in a useful outreach kit.