Yell "Fudge" at the Cobras in North America Day
annually on June 2nd
Founded by
Food & Drink
Fun & Games
Pets & Animals
Snacks & Desserts
Weird & Obscure
Founded in the early 1990's by renowned holiday creators Thomas and Ruth Roy of Wellcat Holidays, this holiday gets the Cobras slithering south. As everyone knows, Cobras hate fudge, and the mere mention of the word gets snakes to gag and slither away. On this day, people from North America go outside, point themselves south, and yell "fudge" at noon local time. Could it be that this ritual keeps Cobras from living in North America? Sure, there are Eastern coral snakes in North America, which are also known as American Cobras, but these are not real Cobras!
How to Observe Yell "Fudge" at the Cobras in North America Day
If you are in North America on June 2, go outside when it is noon, face south, and yell "fudge!" You will be doing your part to make sure Cobras do not advance and take over North America. Any Cobras that have already made it to North America will turn around and go home. Another way to keep the Cobras away is to make and eat fudge on the day. If they smell the fudge they are sure to turn back quickly.