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National Tooth Fairy Day

National Tooth Fairy Day is dedicated to the mythical fairy who brings money or other gifts to children who have lost teeth. The loss of a first tooth can be a traumatic experience for a young child, but the promise of a gift from the tooth fairy helps make the experience something a child can look forward to. Many English speaking countries practice the tradition of the tooth fairy, in which a child usually puts their tooth in a "tooth box" and awaits the arrival of the tooth fairy when they are sleeping. The tradition started in the United States, but it is based off medieval European superstitions. In England, children were to burn their baby teeth so they wouldn't experience hardship in the afterlife, and so that witches would not find the teeth, as it was thought witches could control someone if they got their teeth. It was not until the 20th century that the modern day tooth fairy came to be, the earliest reference to the fairy being in the Chicago Daily Tribune in 1908. In 1927, Esther Watkins Arnold published her playlet The Tooth Fairy, which helped popularize the tooth fairy with children.

How to Observe National Tooth Fairy Day

If you have children, the day could be spent talking to them about the tooth fairy. Also, you and your friends could compare how you celebrated the tradition of the tooth fairy while growing up. Finally, you could spend the day focusing on the health of your teeth by going to the dentist, or rededicating yourself to daily proper teeth care.

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