Never Bean Better Day
annually on August 22nd (since 2017)
Founded by
Drager Group, Inc. in 2017
Never Bean Better Day is a day to enjoy the companionship of your pets and to share the love they give you with others. It is named for and honors the birth of a celebrity therapy Golden Retriever named Bean. He has appeared on television and in newspapers and online and has shared his love at places such as schools, hospitals, domestic violence shelters, and homeless shelters. The Drager Group, Inc. founded the day "to recognize the unconditional love dogs bring to human lives."
How to Observe Never Bean Better Day
Celebrate the day by enjoying the companionship of your pets and by bringing them out in public to share the joy they bring you with others. Today is also a great day to get a dog or another pet if you don't have one. You can learn more about Bean by following his Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages.