Humorous Day
Among other benefits, humor increases productivity and brainpower, reduces stress and anxiety, helps people cope, keeps people from burning out, strengthens the immune system, relaxes muscles, and helps people connect. Not much is known about Humorous Day, but multiple sources say it is "a day to find the humor in any situation that happens to be thrown our way" and "a day to remind us to see the bright side and to realize that most things are really not as important as they at first may seem." It takes place during National Humor Month, although it is unknown if there is a connection to it.
How to Observe Humorous Day
Loosen up, lighten up, and attempt to find humor in any situation that comes your way today. Try to look on the bright side of things and not take them too seriously. You can also add some extra humor to your day. Share some jokes with a friend, go to a comedy show, or watch one of the funniest films of all time.