Decide to Be Married Day
annually on June 27th
Founded by
Decide to Be Married Day focuses attention on the joy couples experience when they decide to get married. According to the holiday's founder, Barbara Gaughen-Muller, it is "a day to reflect on both the decision for marriage and how the union of two really is a life-time commitment." On today's date in 1997, Gaughen-Muller married Dr. Robert Muller, a former UN Assistant Secretary-General. For their wedding, Gaughen-Muller wrote the poem "Decide To Be Married," and it also became the inspiration for Decide to Be Married Day. It opens with the words, "Decide to be married/To become one heart, one body, one mind and one soul," and ends with the lines, "It's in the deciding/ To be united in love/ To express your joyful oneness to every person you meet, and in every action you take/And together a perfect marriage you'll make." The holiday has been observed at least since 2002.
How to Observe Decide to Be Married Day
You've waited your whole life for today! Decide with your partner to get married! Hug your partner, ask them to be your spouse, or even start planning your wedding! You could also read "Decide to Be Married," a poem written by Barbara Gaughen-Muller, the holiday's founder.