National Transfer Money to Your Daughter's Account Day
Also known as
Transfer Money to Your Daughter Day
annually on April 18th
To show appreciation for their daughters, parents transfer money into their daughters' accounts today or give them cash. According to one source, the holiday dates to 2017 and was created by Zelle, a mobile transfer company, to get parents to send money to their daughters using their app. But the holiday may also date to 2018. On April 18, 2018, an Urban Dictionary user created an entry for a National Transfer Money to Your Daughter's Account Day. There may also be a related and similarly-named holiday that takes place on October 6 called National Transfer Money to Your Daughter Day.
How to Observe National Transfer Money to Your Daughter's Account Day
If you have a daughter, transfer some money into their account. You could transfer money to them using a peer-to-peer payment app like Venmo, Zelle, or PayPal, transfer money into their bank account, or hand them some cash. If you are a daughter and your parents are living, make sure to let them know it is National Transfer Money to Your Daughter's Account Day!