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International Vlogging Day

International Vlogging Day, a celebration of online creators and their work, encourages people to share their stories via video. Organized in 2018 by David Bullas, Tom Burns, and their online video festival, Summer in the City, now called Social in the City, International Vlogging Day helps those unfamiliar with vlogging understand it and shows the positive impact it can have. What are some of the positive aspects that vlogging may inspire? It can help people to build confidence, start friendships, learn technical skills like camera work, lighting, sound, and editing, and can even help launch careers. It also may help to combat the negative aspects that social media may present. Upon its creation, its founders said: "With so much of the news cycle focused on the negative and the divisive, we believe that the act of telling stories, of sharing ideas, and of listening to others, has a major role to play in increasing the empathy and understanding required to stand up to the challenges we face in the 21st century."

How to Observe International Vlogging Day

Make a video of you talking about something important to you and post it with the hashtag #VloggingDay. If instead of making a vlog-type video you'd rather make one that includes activities like dancing or music playing, or if you'd like to make a short film, you could do that as well. Then, watch videos others have made and share some that you enjoy.

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